A look at how we implement our initiatives and are changing the lives of people living in traumatised communities.
Using therapy, we focus on the rehabilitation of youth who have had their lives disrupted by gangsterism or drug abuse as well as empower teenage mothers with the skills to take care of their children while they continue their high school career. We also offer a career program to assist rehabilitated youth and matriculating mothers to enter the working world.
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Using art therapy sessions and social cohesion seminars, we aim to stimulate self-worth and motivate gang members and community leaders to start a dialogue about peace and social cohesion in traumatised communities. One of the projects “Die Glas Ennie Draad” is an award winning theatre production performed at South Africa’s most notorious maximum-security prisons. Including Pollsmoor Prison in front of an audience of 200 inmates.
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Through detailed analysis of each family and the level of poverty in these households, we plotted a map out of poverty for each family. We also strive to create a sense of cultural pride through heritage restoration and identity seminars. To help the people understand where they come from and how they fit into the bigger picture.
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